A Geometrical Approach of the Levinson Algorithm for Block Toeplitz Matrices

  • José Gregorio Marcano Universidad de Carabobo
  • M.D. Morán
Keywords: Levinson algorithm, Block Toeplitz matrix, Triangular decomposition, Angles between subspaces


In this paper we obtain a version of the Levinson algorithm for block Toeplitz matrices in an infinity dimensional setting from a geometrical approach. With this methodology we obtain a sequence of operators in the Levinson recurrences whose norms in geometric terms represent angles between subspaces. Additionally, under this geometric framework a LU decomposition for a block Toeplitz matrix is obtained.

Author Biography

José Gregorio Marcano, Universidad de Carabobo
Departamento de Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela. Profesor Asociado


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How to Cite
Marcano, J. G., & Morán, M. (2019). A Geometrical Approach of the Levinson Algorithm for Block Toeplitz Matrices. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 7(4), 748-758. https://doi.org/10.19139/soic-2310-5070-734
Research Articles