Iterative Algorithms for a Generalized System of Mixed Variational-Like Inclusion Problems and Altering Points Problem

  • Monairah Alansari King Abdulaziz University, KSA
  • Mohd Akram Islamic University in Madinah, KSA
  • Mohd. Dilshad University of Tabuk, KSA
Keywords: Resolvent operator,, -symmetric -monotone mapping,, Altering points, Parallel S-iterative algorithm, Lipschiz mapping.


In this article, we introduce and study a generalized system of mixed variational-like inclusion problems involving αβ-symmetric η-monotone mappings. We use the resolvent operator technique to calculate the approximate common solution of the generalized system of variational-like inclusion problems involving αβ-symmetric η-monotone mappings and a fixed point problem for nonlinear Lipchitz mappings. We study strong convergence analysis of the sequences generated by proposed Mann type iterative algorithms. Moreover, we consider an altering points problem associated with a generalized system of variational-like inclusion problems. To calculate the approximate solution of our system, we proposed a parallel S-iterative algorithm and study the convergence analysis of the sequences generated by proposed parallel S-iterative algorithms by using the technique of altering points problem. The results presented in this paper may be viewed as generalizations and refinements of the results existing in the literature.


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How to Cite
Alansari , M., Akram, M., & Dilshad, M. (2020). Iterative Algorithms for a Generalized System of Mixed Variational-Like Inclusion Problems and Altering Points Problem. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 8(2), 549-564.
Research Articles