On Rainbow Vertex Antimagic Coloring of Related Prism Graphs and Its Operations

  • Rafiantika Prihandini University of Jember
  • Evi Tri Wulandari
  • Dafik
  • Arika Indah Kristiana
  • Robiatul Adawiyah
  • Ridho Alfarisi
Keywords: Rainbow vertex antimagic coloring, Rainbow vertex antimagic connection number, Related prism graph


Let $G=(V,E)$ be a simple, connected and un-directed graph, for $f:E(G)\rightarrow\{1,2,\dots, |E(G)|\}$, the weight of a vertex $v\in V(G)$ under $f$ is $w_f(v)=\Sigma_{e \in E(v)} f(e)$, where $E(v)$ is the set of vertices incident to $v$. The function $f$ is called vertex antimagic edge labeling if every vertex has distinct weight. While, rainbow vertex coloring is a coloring of graph vertices where each vertex on the graph is connected by a path that all internal vertices on the $u-v$ path have different colors. We introduce a new notion, namely a rainbow vertex antimagic coloring, which is a combination of antimagic labeling and rainbow vertex coloring. The rainbow vertex antimagic connection number of $G$, denoted by $rvac(G)$, is the smallest number of colors taken over all rainbow colorings induced by rainbow vertex antimagic labelings of $G$.  In this paper we aim to discover some new lemmas or theorems regarding to $rvac(G)$.


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How to Cite
Prihandini, R., Wulandari, E. T., Dafik, Kristiana, A. I., Adawiyah, R., & Alfarisi, R. (2024). On Rainbow Vertex Antimagic Coloring of Related Prism Graphs and Its Operations. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing. https://doi.org/10.19139/soic-2310-5070-2140
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