Inexact Accelerated Proximal Gradient Algorithms For Matrix l_{2,1}-Norm Minimization Problem in Multi-Task Feature Learning

  • Yaping Hu East China University of Science and Technology
  • Zengxin Wei Guangxi University
  • Gonglin Yuan Guangxi University


In this paper, we extend the APG method to solve matrix l_{2,1}-norm minimization problem in multi-task feature learning. We investigate that the resulting inner subproblem has closed-form solution which can be easily determined by taking the problem's favorable structures. Under suitable conditions, we can establish a comprehensive convergence result for the proposed method. Furthermore, we present three different inexact APG algorithms by using the Lipschitz constant, the eigenvalue of Hessian matrix and the Barzilai and Borwein parameter in the inexact model, respectively. Numerical experiments on simulated data and real data set are reported to show the efficiency of proposed method.

Author Biographies

Yaping Hu, East China University of Science and Technology
School of Science
Zengxin Wei, Guangxi University
College of Mathematics and Information Science
Gonglin Yuan, Guangxi University
College of Mathematics and Information Science


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How to Cite
Hu, Y., Wei, Z., & Yuan, G. (2014). Inexact Accelerated Proximal Gradient Algorithms For Matrix l_{2,1}-Norm Minimization Problem in Multi-Task Feature Learning. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 2(4), 352-367.
Research Articles