Multi-sensors search for lost moving targets using unrestricted effort

  • Abd-Elmoneim A. M. Teamah
  • Mohamed A. Kassem
  • Elham Yusuf Elebiary Tanta University
Keywords: Available resources, Lost targets, Multi-sensors, Probability of undetection, Search plan.


This paper addresses the problem of searching for multiple targets using multiple sensors, where targets move randomly between a limited number of states at each time interval. Due to the potential value or danger of the targets, multiple sensors are employed to detect them as quickly as possible within a fixed number of search intervals. Each search interval has an available search effort and an exponential detection function is assumed. The goal is to develop an optimal search strategy that distributes the search effort across cells in each time interval and calculates the probability of not detecting the targets throughout the entire search period. The optimal search strategy that minimizes this probability is determined, the stability of the search is analyzed, and some special cases are considered. Additionally, we introduce the $M$-cells algorithm.


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How to Cite
Teamah, A.-E. A. M., Kassem, M. A., & Elebiary , E. Y. (2024). Multi-sensors search for lost moving targets using unrestricted effort. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing. Retrieved from
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