Reliability estimation of a multicomponent stress-strength model based on copula function under progressive first failure censoring

  • Ola Abuelamayem


In reliability analysis of a multicomponent stress-strength model, most studies assumed independence between stress and strength variable. However, this assumption may not be realistic. To account for dependency, copula approach can be used. Although it is important, only few studies considered this case and usually under complete study. Observing the failures for all units may be difficult due to cost and time limitation. Recently, progressive first failure censoring scheme has attracted attention in the literature due to its ability to save time and money. To the best of our knowledge, dependent multicomponent stress-strength model under progressive first failure censoring was not considered yet. In this article, we derived the likelihood function for progressive first failure censored sample under copula and multicomponent stress strength model. A simulation study is performed and a real dataset is analyzed to test the applicability of the model. Maximum likelihood estimates, asymptotic confidence interval and bootstrap confidence intervals are obtained. The results illustrated that the proposed censoring scheme under copula provides a good estimate for the reliability.
How to Cite
Abuelamayem , O. (2024). Reliability estimation of a multicomponent stress-strength model based on copula function under progressive first failure censoring. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing.
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