Spotting, Tracking algorithm and the remoteness

The-Point-in-Polygon-Problem (P.I.P.)

  • Aziz Arbai Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University
  • Abounaima Mohammed Chaouki Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Fes, Maroc.
  • Amina Bellekbir Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Fes, Maroc
Keywords: polygon, the triangulation, tracking algorithm, The neighboring Point, the remoteness, Closest Point, Quadratic optimization, Optimization, Algorithm


On this paper we present a solution to detect and know if a point M is inside a polygon ( A(k), k∈{1,...,n} ) or outside. We are going to give a very simple, practical and explicit method of the triangulation of a convex polygon (convex polyhedron) after a definition and the concretization of the order relation of the points of a polygon in a plane following a well-chosen orientation in before and an arbitrary point of the vertices of the polygon. In the case where the point M is outside the polygon, a simple optimization method will be applied to determine the distance between the point M and the polygon A(1), ..., A(n) and the point P of the border of the polygon closest to M ”The neighboring Point”.


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How to Cite
Arbai, A., Chaouki, A. M., & Bellekbir, A. (2024). Spotting, Tracking algorithm and the remoteness. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing.
Research Articles