Optimality and Unified Duality for E-differentiable Vector Optimization Problems over Cones involving Generalized E-convexity

  • Malti Kapoor Department of Mathematics, Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi, India
Keywords: E-differentiable function, Vector optimization over cones, Cone-generalized E-convexity, KKT optimality conditions, Unified Duality


This paper explores a new approach to solve a nondifferentiable vector optimization problem over cones by means of an operator E : Rn → Rn which renders differentiability to the considered problem. Some new generalized convexity notions are introduced and employed to obtain necessary and sufficient KKT-type optimality conditions. Further, a unified dual is associated with the considered problem encapsulating both Mond-Weir and Wolfe type duals in the same apparatus and duality results are proved.
How to Cite
Kapoor, M. (2024). Optimality and Unified Duality for E-differentiable Vector Optimization Problems over Cones involving Generalized E-convexity. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 12(5), 1352-1363. https://doi.org/10.19139/soic-2310-5070-1779
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