Utilizing the Discrete Heisenberg Group and Laser Systems in RGB Image Encryption

  • Fouzia Elazzaby university ibn tofail kenitra
  • Khalid Sabour
  • Nabil EL AKKAD
  • Bouchta Zouhairi
  • Samir Kabbaj
Keywords: Heisenberg group, 4D choitic system, Encryption, Security


This study signifies the endpoint of thorough cryptographic experimentation, leading to the creation of an innovative color image encryption scheme. It embodies a fusion of mathematical concepts rooted in both group theory and chaos theory.The novel encryption procedure entails the creation of cube faces, to depict the relative positions of pixels within a given stream, thereby generating six distinct channels. Within our algorithm, each monochromatic layer of an image is independently encrypted using digraph encryption. This involves a technique of rotating the four faces, followed by another rotation to encrypt the second digraph.Subsequently, matrices derived from Heisenberg theory are integrated with the monochromatic layer from the preceding step to fine-tune the image's parameters and introduce blur. Impressively, our approach has yielded promising outcomes across various images and evaluation criteria, demonstrating resilience against differential attacks and statistical analyses. Furthermore, comparative evaluations have highlighted the superiority of our method over existing algorithms.


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How to Cite
Elazzaby, F., Sabour, K., EL AKKAD, N., Zouhairi, B., & Kabbaj, S. (2024). Utilizing the Discrete Heisenberg Group and Laser Systems in RGB Image Encryption. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 12(6), 1956-1972. https://doi.org/10.19139/soic-2310-5070-1744
Research Articles