The Marshall-Olkin-Topp-Leone-Gompertz-G Family of Distributions with Applications

  • Broderick Oluyede Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Botswana International University of Science and Technology
  • Morongwa Gabanakgosi Department of Mathematical Statistics, Botswana International University of Science and Technology, P. Bag 16, Palapye, Botswana
  • Gayan Warahena-Liyanage Department of Mathematics, University of Dayton
Keywords: Marshall-Olkin-G, Topp-Leone-Gompertz-G, Maximum Likelihood Estimation


A new family of distributions called the Marshall-Olkin-Topp-Leone-Gompertz-G (MO-TL-Gom-G) distribution is developed and studied in detail. Some mathematical and statistical properties of the new family of distributions are explored. Statistical properties of the new family of distributions considered are the quantile function, moments and generating function, probability weighted moments, distribution of the order statistics and R\'enyi entropy. The maximum likelihood technique is used for estimating the model parameters and Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to examine the performance of the model. Finally, we give examples of real-life data applications to show the usefulness of the above mentioned Topp-Leone-Gompertz generalization.


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How to Cite
Oluyede, B., Gabanakgosi, M., & Warahena-Liyanage, G. (2024). The Marshall-Olkin-Topp-Leone-Gompertz-G Family of Distributions with Applications. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 12(4), 882-906.
Research Articles