Classification of Aircraft in Remote Sensing Images Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

  • Youssef BEN YOUSSEF University Hassan first
  • Mohamed Merrouchi
  • Elhassane Abdelmounim
  • Taoufiq Gadi
Keywords: Computer vision, Machine learning, Deep learning, Convolutional Neural Network, Classification


Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a component of Deep Learning(DL) recently exploited in different fifields. In this work, we improve the performance of multi-label classifification based on CNN for remote sensing images of aircraft types. Intensive preprocessing limits the classifification rate in previous studies. In order to avoid under-fifitting and over-fifitting problems, we optimized the architecture and Network parameters. To validate our method the recent public image dataset called Multi-Type Aircraft Remote Sensing Images (MTARSI) is used. Extensive experiments prove the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of classifification rate.


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How to Cite
BEN YOUSSEF, Y., Merrouchi, M., Abdelmounim, E., & Gadi, T. (2022). Classification of Aircraft in Remote Sensing Images Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 10(1), 4-11.
Research Articles